Bod Squad

Meeting 9/5/2019
Think about the idea of charging $1.00/week to attend meetings. These fund would be used to purchase healthy products for us to sample. (Example: Protein bars). Extra items can go into a “treasure chest” to be used by the group.

Lots of good suggestions and ideas from sharing this week:
1. Lisa shared myfitnesspal app can help you track calories, carbs, sugar, etc. There is cost involved to upgrade
2. Joan shared healthy snack list which she will transfer to website.
3. Carol shared the idea of bringing your own snacks to a party. She also maintains a bullet journal and will share it at an upcoming meeting.
4. Jim emphasized the importance of exercise and not just focusing on weight loss.
5. Barb wants to contact a nutritionist to get more information on staying healthy.
She will also investigate having
someone come to talk to a community.
6. Anna said she is adjusting her exercise to her age and remembered little tricks like parking further from the store to get steps in.
7. Linda tries to incorporate exercise into her daily routine throughout the day. She is also preserving some summer snacks to have this winter.
8. Mary finds that doing exercises she had in therapy helps her to eat better and sleep better.
9. MaryAnn made an effort to stay hydrated and get all her water in each day. If you feel hungry, try drinking a class of water first. Also, MaryAnn shared that exercise improves your mental health as well as your physical health.

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